Extra-Curricular Clubs

At St. Edward's, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse range of extra-curricular activities that cater to the varied interests of our children. From sports clubs such as Plymouth Argyle Football and Plymouth Patriots Basketball to our Coding Club, Story and Reading Clubs, Board Games, Numbots and TTRS, STEM and Running Club - there is something for everyone.  Our RockSteady School Band and Choir provide creative outlets alongside crafting and art based clubs.

Through partnerships with local organisations like PAFC, Plymouth Patriots and RockSteady, we enhance the quality of our provision. We encourage involvement for all with a mix of free and paid clubs available both during the school day and after school. Aligned with our vision to develop curious, confident and resilient learners, these clubs foster skills and knowledge essential for lifelong learning while embodying our core Christian values of Kindness, Respect, and Courage, all rooted in Love.

Working in Partnership

We are proud of our community links in regards to sport and on a weekly basis, we have Plymouth Argyle and Plymouth Patriots deliver after school clubs on school site. PAFC offer a club for Early Years and Key Stage One children, where they focus on developing and improving key fundamental skills such as dribbling, ball control, passing and shooting.  They then apply these skills to small drills and activities. They also offer a Key Stage Two club, where children continue to develop their fundamental skills but apply them to larger games and focus on key skills such as attacking, defending, use of space and tactics.

Plymouth Patriots offer a basketball club for our children from Year 2- Year 6. Similar to PAFC, this club provides an enrichment opportunity where children can develop, consolidate and learn new skills under the guidance of a specialist teacher. Children complete a range of activities to develop their dribbling, passing, shooting and control of the ball and then apply these to games and drills. 

Club Letters

Summer 2 Club LetterSummer 1 Club LetterSpring 2 Club LetterSpring 1 Club LetterAutumn 2 Club LetterAutumn 1 Club Letter