Our Governors

Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in all St Christopher’s Multi Academy Trust schools however, the ultimate responsibility for the school lies with the Board of Directors with much of the work delegated to the Local Governing Body (LGB).

In trusts, the purpose of local governance is to provide:

· strategic leadership

· accountability and assurance

· strategic engagement

Governors set the aims and objectives for the school and set the targets/policies for achieving those aims and objectives. They monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making and act as a source of challenge and support to the headteacher.

Governors bring a wide range of skills and expertise from their professional lives to the governing body and schools benefit greatly from working with skilled volunteers.

Chair of Governors:           Ben Charles

Vice-Chair of Governors:   Kirstin Brown

Safeguarding Lead:           Kirstin Brown & Kate Doddridge

Clerk to the LGB:               Sam Brown   

If you are interested in hearing more about becoming a governor please contact;

Governor Statutory Information 2024/25

Please use the slider bar to view attendance at meetings in the previous academic year.


Type of Governor 

Appointing Body 


Term Start 

Term End 

Registered Interests 

Attendance at meetings 23/24

Jane Bird







6 of 6

Kirstin Brown



Safeguarding, EYFS, English, Reading and Phonics



Employee @ Hart Learning Group/North Hertfordshire College; Business owner @ NONW; Charity trustee @ St Edward’s Church School PTFA, PTFA co-chair

5 of 6

Ben Charles



Wider Curriculum



Employee & Director @ Biovault Technical Limited

5 of 6

Katy Doddridge



Disadvantaged Pupils



Employee as Estimating Co-ordinator; Business owner @ Classic Builders Limited

5 of 6

Jane Dowrick-Kessel







3 of 6

Odette Roberts Staff Staff   21/09/22 20/09/26 None 2 of 6
Gareth Morris Co-opted LGB   03/07/24 02/07/28 Employee @ Mace 0 of 1
VACANCY  Co-opted            
Rev. Tatiana Wilson Foundation Trust Ethos 16/04/24 16/04/28 Vicar for Parish of Eggbuckland with Estover AKA Forder Valley Mission Community. Governor for Plymouth MarJon University. 1 of 2
VACANCY Parent            

Governors who have left in the last 12 months


Type of Governor 

Appointing Body 

Start date 

End date 

Registered Interests 

Attendance 2023/24 

Chris Hewlins Parent Parents/Carers 07/07/23 31/07/24 None 6 of 6
Julian Payne Foundation Trust 26/01/22 02/01/24 Director @ Exeter Diocese Board of Finance; Trustee @ The Parish of Eggbuckland with Estover 1 of 2

Board Diversity

The board believes that it is important that we reflect the diversity of the communities we serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people. We collect data on the diversity of the board, including age, ethnicity, and gender and we use this data to inform our recruitment and training needs, ensuring there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making. We do not publish diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.