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'One Family - we CARE'

Curious, Accepting, Resilient & Equitable

We are all very proud of our St. Edward's family and we hope that this website gives you a small insight into our daily lives and the information you might need.

One Family – We CARE

(Curious, Accepting, Resilient and Equitable)

All we do, done in love – ‘1 Cor 13.’

In this passage, it celebrates God’s Love as unconditional, welcoming, and accepting of all. Our values are rooted in Love and branch out through Kindness, Courage, and Respect.

Our vision for the St. Edward’s family is committed to the flourishing of every individual child, who feels heard, has a sense of belonging and is included. We want all our children to feel welcome, safe curious and supported no matter what challenges they face.

St Edward’s is part of St. Christopher's Primary Multi-Academy Trust and we work hand in hand with our fellow schools to make sure that we strengthen and draw upon our wider family.

Our most recent inspection by Ofsted was March 2020 and we were judged to be a GOOD school. The report celebrates the many strengths of our school and the progress which children make.

Please feel free to contact the school for additional information or a look around.

Mrs. Jane Bird
