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Curriculum Overview

Key Aims of our Curriculum

At St Edward’s our Christian values underpin all that we do and we constantly seek to create a welcoming, inclusive environment that develops curiosity and a love of learning for all.

Our Intent

We want our children to love being part of the St Edward’s family: One family- sharing, caring and learning together.

We expect learning to be rich in opportunities, link with previous learning and be rooted in context.  Children’ advocacy, leaders in their own learning, through a thematic approach where subjects are weaved together, wherever possible, to give the curriculum purpose.  We have high expectations and celebrate children within each subject e.g. scientists, historians, mathematicians, musicians etc.  Our curriculum takes full advantage of our locality and community and how it has been shaped over time. Our children are safe, happy, healthy, resilient and compassionate.


We implement our intent through:

  • developing oracy and vocabulary throughout our subjects
  • subjects which are linked where possible to build upon previous learning and so the curriculum makes sense.
  • the integrity of individual subjects so we can track progress
  • parent/carer/community support
  • the use of quality text and sources to promote high expectations and exemplar models
  • quality feedback, stretch and challenge
  • collaborative learning
  • time to reflect and respond
  • Acts of worship that involve children as leaders and also include strong Christian and British values
  • teaching mastery
  • assessment for learning

The Cambridge Review

A focus on the individual child’s:

  • Well-being
  • Engagement
  • Empowerment
  • Autonomy

In relating to their world to:

  • Encourage respect and reciprocity
  • Promote interdependence and sustainability
  • Empower local, national and global citizenship
  • Celebrate culture and community

In providing for their education a focus on:

  • Exploring, knowing, understanding, making sense
  • Fostering skill
  • Exciting the imagination
  • Enacting dialogue


At St Edward’s we believe that our Early Years Foundation Stage (F1 and F2) is crucial to developing firm foundations to be built upon throughout our school journey and beyond. We intend that the children who enter our EYFS develop physically, verbally, emotionally, creatively, intellectually, and spiritually whilst embedding a positive attitude to school and learning for each child to achieve their full potential. We set high expectations throughout all areas of school life and beyond. Our school values of Love, kindness, respect, and courage underpin all that we do. This is then embedded in all aspects of our children’s lives as they become lifelong learners in an environment of acceptance and support. We believe that all children deserve to be valued as individuals and we are passionate about supporting all children to achieve their full, unique potential. Our F1 (Nursery age class) and F2 (Reception age class) follow the EYFS curriculum, which has seven main areas of learning.


The Prime Areas The Specific Areas
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts


We implement these areas of learning by providing a safe, stimulating environment that allows children to discover, be challenged, consolidate, and achieve their very best whilst developing their resilience and independence. There is a combination of adult-led, teacher-taught whole class, group, and individual support. Throughout all these areas of learning and at the heart of the EYFS Curriculum are the “Characteristics of Effective Learning”. We strive to develop these key characteristics of “Playing and Learning”, “Active Learning” and “Thinking Critically” to give the children the skills that they will continue to draw upon throughout their development. We get to know our families and children well and use their interests and knowledge to support and inspire our children’s knowledge and understanding of themselves, our local community, and beyond. Our learning environments, both inside and outside are adapted to meet the different and developing needs of our children. We are passionate advocates for ensuring all our children can share how they feel and work with them to support any worries or concerns they may have as we fully believe…Happy Children Learn.

Within our EYFS Curriculum, children are assessed through accurate observations informing future planning and children’s next steps in their learning. This enables us to ensure learning is embedded and consistent and that all children continue to make the best possible progress within our EYFS setting.


The impact of our provision is evident in the happy, curious learners who leave F2 with a good level of development, ready for the new challenges of Year One. 

Class teachers continually monitor all of the children in their class, ensuring they meet given expectations in their learning. When this is not the case, in the first instance, additional in-class support will be 'triggered'. Following on from this, advice will be sought from our SENDCo Mrs Evans. Parents may also raise concerns about their child by approaching the class teacher and Mrs Evans.

Children not achieving as expected or having difficulties in learning or behaviour may be identified as having a Special Educational Need. This will then generate a SEND support plan, (please see the Guidelines and Strategies for Interventions in our SEND policy). Children continue to be monitored, through half-termly/six-weekly assessments and progress towards their targets is reviewed three times a year.

Securing additional services to support children can be facilitated by Mrs Evans. We have links to the Educational Psychology Service (EP) and the Communication and Interaction Team (CIT). We can also refer children to the Speech and Language Service, and then carry out suggested interventions. 

In school we run a range of personalised interventions to best suit your child, these will be delivered and reviewed regularly to make sure that they are having an impact on your child’s barriers to learning. 

Please see the Policies section for our SEND Policy.

Collective Worship takes place daily. Our themes for worship are based on the School Christian Values: Love, kindness, Respect and Courage.

We use a variety of resources to support our worship and plan each term alongside calendar events/specific events/festivals etc. We are incredibly lucky that we are supported weekly by the 'Open the Book' team who deliver assemblies in a fun, enthusiastic manner which not only develop children's understanding but also their confidence and self-esteem. Worship is led by staff and children and we encourage visitors to attend or lead our assemblies. Our pupils attend Church at least every term. Children's and staff achievements are celebrated weekly in assembly and also in class. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship. 

Assessment at our school is ongoing for all pupils in our care. Teachers deliver the curriculum that children need by  using the National Curriculum Attainment statements. Assessments against these statements are made by Teachers and Teaching Assistants and are monitored by the senior leaders in school. Children in YF are assessed against the Early Learning Goals. Children in years 1,3,4, & 5 are assessed against the new National Expectations for each year group. 

The school uses an online tracking facility that enables us to track individual, groups and classes of children. Children will continue to take the Y1 phonics test and end of key stage SATs. From 2020 a times table test will be administered in Y4 also, we were part of the pilot last year and the children are able to practise regularly to demystify the test.

Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers on the progress and attainment of their child. Termly opportunities are set up in a range of ways e.g. Family learning conferences where your child guides you through their learning and then you have a conversation with the class teacher, spring term report and summer short report/conversation. In Foundation, parents are encouraged to come to school on regular occasions to share their child's learning journeys.


There are many opportunities throughout the term where we try to further enhance learning opportunities for children. These include whole school trips eg to Eden Project, Paignton Zoo and sleepovers. There is a planned programme of Outdoor activities for our pupils:

YF Balancability (learning to ride a bike with no stabilizers) Y4 Swimming, rowing, inclusion games, Bikeability ( learning to ride on roads), Outdoor Education,  Y6 Heatree House & life skills week including a First Aid certificate and much more.

For further information please see our regular newsletters and social media.